Saturday 21 April 2012

Bhagat singh , atheism and message to indian students

bhagat singh,During his teenage years, he began to question religious ideologies after witnessing the Hindu-Muslim riots that broke out after Gandhi disbanded the Non-Cooperation Movement . He did not understand how members of these two groups, initially united in fighting against the British, could be at each others' throats because of their religious differences. At this point, Singh dropped his religious beliefs, since he believed religion hindered the revolutionaries' struggle for independence, and began studying the works of Bakunin , Lenin , Trotsky — all atheist revolutionaries. He also took an interest in Niralamba Swami'sbook Common Sense, which advocated a form of "mystic atheism". While in a condemned cell in 1931, he wrote a pamphlet entitled Why I am an Atheist ? in which he discusses and advocates the philosophy of atheism . This pamphlet was a result of some criticism byfellow revolutionaries on his failure to acknowledge religion and God while in a condemned cell, the accusation of vanity was also dealt with in this pamphlet. He supported his own beliefs and claimed that he used to be a firm believer in The Almighty, but could not bring himself to believe the myths and beliefs that others held close to their hearts. In this pamphlet, he acknowledged the fact that religion made death easier, but also said that unproved philosophy is a sign of human weakness. (this article is taken from

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